Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Today's workout...

50 of each on each side of:
Single leg squats
Push-up stabilizers
Hanging knee raise (alt.)
Long Jump (double leg take off R/L single leg stick)

Monday, June 28, 2010



Today's workout...

5 rounds of:

25 DL

50 each mountain climbers

25 push-ups

10 each alternate V-ups

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

6.2.2010 Workout

Today's workout...

3 rounds no stopping:

-15 yards butt-kickers (the FF way)

-30 push-ups

-shuffle suicide (ask Coach Eve what these are!)

-30 bent rows

-30 plate abs

Friday, June 18, 2010

Weight loss update...

Hello FITTer's!

Today is Friday! I weighed in today at 11 pounds down! I am so excited! I thought I was stuck at 8 pounds down until this morning. I have added ground turkey, my lovely Fage' Greek yogurt and of course a little bit of dark chocolate. I still feel great and I see a difference every day. I still have about 20-25 pounds to go to reach my ultimate fitness goal. I will see what I look and feel like 20 pounds down from where I am at now. I already look great, just want to trim up for swimsuit wear..ya know a girls gotta look good!

Stay tuned....

*Be F.I.T.T.*
Do you have the right Formula?


Today's torture....

Run 1 mile

50 each Russian Twist

Run 1 mile

50 RDL


Today's workout...

150 Wall balls

75 Burpees

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Days 18-20 BHS Program


OK folks, this is my last blog about the BHS Detox Program, however I will still be continuing my journey to lose another 25 pounds (yes, yes I know, I don't look like I have that much to lose...I do, to reach my fitness goal). I will continue to blog weekly about my progress; feel free to add in your comments and your progress, for those of you who are on any type of nutrition or exercise program.

I must start off with a confession. It was Sunday night and I was so hungry I couldn't take it anymore. There was a leftover breakfast burrito in the fridge. Leftovers from my boyfriend, Damian, and I must thank him, he has been so supportive with this program; he does still splurge here and there when I am not around to not tempt me...ha ha! Anyway, back to my story, it was 8:00p and I saw that burrito calling my name and I still had about 200 calories left for my day, but nothing else sounded good. I was chickened and egged out. I tell ya, 20 days with NO splurge meal, which I usually give myself one meal per week. I gave in and I know I shouldn't have. As a result, I did not lose or gain any weight. Boy did it taste so good though!

Monday morning came, my last day on the program and I was back on track. Feeling great and eating "clean". I went for a 2 mile run and felt great. My appetite has decreased, to be expected and feeling lighter each day.

My overall experience with the Balanced Health Solutions program has been extremely positive! This was exactly what my body needed to get it back on track. Now, I will have my Registered Dietitian, Stacey Frattinger, look at my eating habits to ensure I am continually in-taking enough nutrients to manage my workouts and maintain my muscle mass as I lose fat mass. For anyone who thinks this is just another gimmick, it's not. People who eat copious amounts of processed, fast foods, caffeine, etc. This is the right start for you. Having a kick start to put your eating habits into check has been beneficial for me. Having a dietitian counsel you about your eating habits to keep you on track is the best option long term after you have started an extreme program such as this detox program.

Last, I will add back in my blog, the daily workouts. Follow along and feel free to email me for any workout questions. If you would like online personal training, contact me at train@formulafitt.com

To contact Chris Kelly at Balanced Health Solutions, email chris@balancedhealthreno.com

To contact Stacey Frattinger, Registered Dietitian, email formulafuel@hotmail.com


10 rounds of:

10 Body Pulls (alt. hand positions every other round)

10 KB Sumo DL High Pulls

Screamin' Sled pull rows (30 yds men & 15 yds women)

Run 275 yds

Friday, June 11, 2010

Day 14-17 BHS Program


I decided to blog about days 14-17 together since my work week is about the same each day; when it comes to eating habits it is the same. I always have my chocolate protein shake in the morning, which lasts until about 11:00a. I have been eating my lunch later in the day this week, probably about 1:00p. I used to feel hungry at 11:00a for lunch. Since I have been eating less calories, my body has finally gotten used to that and now I am not as hungry as often. I have been eating either fish or chicken with a bunch of veggies each night for dinner, again I am not able to eat as much.

I am sure most of you are thinking, "Alright already, tell me about the body wrap!"

Well here it is; I am blogging about it today ( I was supposed to be wrapped on Tuesday but plans changed) which is when I was wrapped like a mummy. My check-up was integrated into this appointment, therefore I was weighed and measure before the wrap. First step of the wrap, they (Chris Kelly & Erika) scrubbed me with a hummus exfoliate substance, which reminded me of a peppermint shower gel from Bar Escentuals (I loved that gel). It tingled & felt very cool on my skin. Next, they rubbed the detox cream (smelled like cinnamon) all over my upper arms, back, belly, butt, thighs and calves. I was wrapped up in what I thought would be saran wrap, but in fact felt a little different. I was to stay wrapped up for an hour. I lied down, with the help of Chris & Erika (I was told not to bend my joints so they assisted me). They put a blanket over most of my body and told me to relax. Oh did I did relax. My eyes kept shutting & I wanted to stay there and take a long nap! To be honest, I thought it would feel a lot different. I thought I would get hot & sweaty all wrapped up in plastic but in fact it felt slightly warm and that was it.

Once the timer went off, Erika cut the wrap off me & gently wiped the excess cream off my body. Then the interesting part, I was measured again. Well folks, guess what...I lost 9 inches throughout my entire body! Wow is right! I was shocked. I thought all this body wrap stuff was just talk. I even saw the difference in the mirror.

I am sure some of you might ask if they measured correctly. Yes! This is my profession and I have been taught how to measure & Chris did measure correctly every time.

I am excited to see if those 9 inches stay off. It was mentioned that a little might come back but not the entire amount.

Maybe all this detox stuff really does work? Possibly when an entire system is put together with science supporting it, it actually gives results...

Stay tuned FITTer's...more to come. I have 3 days left of the first 20 days then I have chosen to go for another 30 days or until I reach my goal weight. Let's see how I do!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Day 13 BHS Program


Day 13 and still hearting my scale!

Still doing well on the detox program. To be honest, my butt looks great again! Ha ha!

This week is my 2nd check-up and my body wrap. That will be interesting to be wrapped up like a mummy for an hour! I guess I will use that time for some much needed relaxation! Apparently, people lose even more inches AND keep them off after this particular body wrap...we will see! I will definitely blog about that adventure.

Stay tuned....

Day 12 BHS Program


Today was my 12th day on the BHS Detox program. I feel great & I am so happy to see the scale tell me how much it loves my with lower numbers each day! I heart my scale!

I still have a long ways to go (although I may not look like it); the journey has been very enlightening. I find it interesting how well I have gotten to know myself once again. During the past several days of the detox program, my cable wasn't working so I found myself digging deep to get back in touch with things that I love that I have put aside for two years because of other life experiences. It feels so good each day to wake up and know I am one step closer to feeling even better about myself.

I used to drink a cup of green tea in the morning and now...NOTHING! No stimulants of any kind. For any of you who know me well enough know I don't need much caffeine. Through long days and not much sleep yields a little caffeine fix here & there. Not for me!

Also, recently there have been some life challenges put before me and I was having a difficult time finding my way to the solution; my mind has been so much more clear, the solutions are slowly finding their way to the surface.

The only thing suffering right now is my body during my workouts. I do find I hit my lactate threshold sooner than before but once I am eating more calories per day, that will change.

Each day is one step closer to a happier and even healthier me!

Stay tuned....

Monday, June 7, 2010

Day 9-11 BHS Program


I am half way through the BHS Detox program and feeling great! I am 7.5 pounds down from my start weight! I haven't been hungry between meals and I find I am able to eat less calories each week. Of course, I wouldn't want to eat less than 1300 per day; still that is not a lot of calories each day. I am eating even more vegetables than usual and that makes it so much easier to manage. I do crave my favorite food, dark chocolate, once in a while but the chocolate protein snack shake has been helping with those cravings. I am hoping to be down a total of 15 pound by the official end of the BHS program. It is possible to continue the program until my goal weight is reached, which means I may need to continue for another 10-15 days. I do know one thing, I will be celebrating with SUSHI when I reach my goal weight! Stay tuned for more....

P.S. I will post pictures of the completed look!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

BHS Program Day 8


I am finding each day is easier and easier to manage. I have found foods to keep me full and manage to eat enough protein each day. Today, the only challenge I found was after my workout of a 3 mile run, 100 pull-ups, 100 push-ups and 100 sit-ups, I was hungry and the snack shake did not keep me satisfied as long. When I got home form work, I about inhaled my dinner!

Stay tuned...

BHS Program Day 7


Back to the work week and a great time to test my energy level throughout the day. All day I felt great. I wasn't very hungry except the usual time, afternoon. I tend to have a snack craving then so my apple and snack shake came in very handy. Nothing out of the norm; I do notice I am full sooner, which makes it easier to eat less calories.

I did put back on one pound since I went from liquid only for 3 days to food again, to be expected.

Stay tuned.....

BHS Program Day 6


Memorial Day! What a great day to not be able to eat much. Actually, it wasn't that bad. I ate a turkey patty with all the vegetable fixings except the bun. Of course there was a lot of guacamole (which is allowed as long as it is made form all fresh veggies and avocado) added...yum! I managed very well. It felt good to bite into delicious food. Today was a fairly easy "diet" day and I was down another pound! Stay tuned for more....

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

"UP" Day-3 mile run, 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups & 100 pull-ups!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Day 3-5 BHS Program


I decided to blog about the 3 liquid days together. Of course I pick Memorial Day weekend to consume only liquid and maybe an egg or 2 each day. Surprisingly, the 3 days were not as bad as I thought. I enjoyed the lemon and grade A maple syrup mixture quite well. The mixture is 4 oz. fresh lemon juice, 4 oz. grade A maple syrup and 28 oz. distilled water. Since I workout more than the average person, I was allowed slightly more maple syrup to supplement calories. I added an extra 2 oz. per container. Each container was a total of 32 oz. of liquid. In addition to drinking 2-32 oz. bottles of, what I like to call "lemonade", I needed to drink 85 oz. of plain distilled water. I found I was not very hungry; I did, however, feel a need to chew on food. I was allowed 1 serving of either 1 chicken breast or 2 eggs each day for protein supplementation.

I felt great and my energy level sustained all day each day. I did notice I was a little drained by the end of the 3rd day though. I definitely got to know myself a little more. When there is no meal to make or dinner to conversate over, I found I wanted to do something; I needed to stay busy. I decided to keep my time occupied with my creative side. I have and art background (not a major one but some artistic experience) and I pulled out the ole' Berol Prismacolor pencils along with some charcoal and the sketchpads. It felt good to have time to draw and be creative, outside the box.

As of day 5 of the entire program, I am down 6.5 pounds! Let's see what the rest of the program holds. One question I have is, did I lose muscle mass? My check up assessment on Tuesday will display the results...stay tuned...

Friday, May 28, 2010

BHS Program Day 2


I will be posting the previous day the following afternoon; today's blog is about my program yesterday and today's adventure will be posted tomorrow...you get the idea.

Another side note, I was asked a very good question yesterday by a member who is following a nutrition program put together by my registered dietitian, Stacey Frattinger. The member wanted to know if the program I am following is different than her nutrition program. The answer is yes, it is different and here is why:
  • BHS program does have side effects of weight loss but it's primary goal is to "detox" and help those who have addictions such as, caffeine, sugar, etc.
  • BHS also helps people figure out what foods might be aggravating their allergies by eating only "raw" foods instead of "processed" foods. Of course this means I am not allowed to eat my beloved Fage Greek yogurt for another 18 days since it is "processed".
  • Also, the BHS program helps each person resolve issues bought up during their assessment, i.e. I will be working on balancing hormones and stress levels which as a result, manages my Thyroid.
  • The nutrition program the member is following simply reduces her caloric intake and gives her a well managed food plan allowing her to lose unwanted weight. This plan works for most people looking just lose weight and get healthy.
  • The BHS program is a more aggressive approach to "getting healthy", probably used by those who have "tried everything".

OK, so now for the update about my BHS program adventure yesterday.

I ate at least 300 less calories than usual and felt great. I snacked on more veggies than normal and had a huge chicken salad for lunch. The one thing I noticed, I didn't crave my usual dark chocolate! I absolutely love dark chocolate but haven't had any cravings in the past few days. The only challenge I faced was I had a meeting after work that ran late. I did not eat dinner until 8:00p. I was VERY hungry when I got home. Other than that, I managed through the day very well.

When I blog about 5/28/10, the first day of the "Detox" juice only day, that will be interesting. A little sneak peak to that blog post, I am actually feeling great, so far (12:00p).....Stay tuned!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Balanced Health Solutions (BHS) Program-Day 1

5/26/10 Day 1 on the BHS program

Today is my first day on the Balanced Health Solutions program based out of Sparks, NV. This program assesses a person's overall health, which includes eating and exercise habits, weight, % body fat, circumference measurements, metabolic age, daily stress, and toxins one is exposed to (i.e. jobs near chemicals, living in a polluted area, etc.), basically lifestyle. This assessment was right on with what is going on in my body lately in comparison to my doctor's assessment.

A little bit of history about me, I have been under copious amounts of stress the past 2 years of my life. In addition, while I was in college, I worked 30 hours per week and helped take care of my elderly grandmother. Within the past 2 years, my mom was diagnosed with a very rare and life threatening Cervical Spine issue that needed IMMEDIATE attention and surgery. She had a "halo" attached to her skull and was in the hospital for about 1 month pre and post-surgery. When the news was first mentioned to my family, we were all in shock. I decided my mother's life was more important than anything else so I gave up some of my work hours and helped my mom in the hospital post-surgery (nurses were there but unfortunately they were so understaffed they were not able to help that much; I chose to stay there and help her since she couldn't even feed herself). Also, I helped my father with the family business since my mom was unable to do her job. Her rehabilitation was very slow and she was unable to complete simple daily tasks for quite some time. After 1 year and thinking she was on her way to a "normal" life, the doctors found that the cement they used to fuse her neck together created a bone spur that was causing even more damage than the first diagnosis. Again, she went through surgery and rehab, but this time her rehab has been much slower and more challenging. It has been a little over 1 year since the second surgery and my mom is finally able to complete simple daily tasks.

For anyone who has been through a stressful situation such as this one knows what consequences follow, possible weight gain or loss (no mater how healthy you attempt to be), mood swings, depression, and the list goes on. Unfortunately, I did gain some weight and noticed I was not as excited about life as I usually am. I continued to workout, eat healthy and spend time with friends to lift my spirits. Those times were very challenging for my entire family and now that things are moving forward, I have made even more of an effort to "get my life back". I had a physical done by my doctor to assess my body's response to the stress and I started having issues with my Thyroid. I found it extremely challenging to lose even a pound. As my doctor mentioned and any health professional knows, anytime a person is under huge amounts of consistent stress, their body begins to do opposite what we want. It does this to "protect" us from the elements. This goes back to the "caveman" theory stating when humans lived in pre-historic times, food was not always present and as easily accessible as well as life could be very stressful at times (i.e. living through a tough, cold winter, etc.),therefore the body stored fat to preserve the energy for when it was really needed.

Now, I must remind you I grew up a competitive athlete playing various sports year round, going from one practice to the next and even practicing when I was not at practice or in a game. I have always and still workout 3-6 days per week, which includes running 3-10 miles, lifting weight in a circuit style (all the fun and crazy tire flipping, Olympic lifting and plyometric type workouts) and deep stretch/yoga. My workouts are never less than 45 minutes. I eat healthy and probably stay within 1600-1800 calories (kcal) per day. I give myself either 3 splurge meals or 1 entire splurge day each week. My splurge day usually consists of eating dark chocolate (yum) and maybe a glass of wine with dinner, possibly some SUSHI!

OK enough history, now about my assessment, it stated my Thyroid is having issues as well as I am under copious amounts of stress. All that could lead to becoming pre-diabetic and hypothyroidism. I have a very high percent body fat (well very high for me...I will disclose this information at a later date) and my metabolic age is 50..yikes! Stress does horrible things to a body.

Now onto the actual program, like most nutrition programs there is a sample menu I may follow but, really I only need to stay within a certain calorie range each day. They recommend 1000-1100 calories, but since I workout more I am allowed 1400-1500 calories per day. I eat only the recommended foods (different from the actual menu), which is an assortment of almost every vegetable and fruit you can think of, including avocados (yum). The only foods I am not allowed to eat within the 20 days are grains and anything "white". I am able to eat yams and sweet potatoes in small portions. The first 2 days are simple healthy eating and exercise then days 3-5 are a "detox" period when I drink only a certain liquid combination. Since I work out a lot I am allowed 1 serving of protein (2 eggs, 1 chicken breast or a small fish fillet). This will be interesting. The rest of the program includes body wraps, infrared sauna and exercise (prescribed by yours truly). Again, interesting. I am looking forward to the day by day results.

On a side note, those of you who know me know I am more old school in my coaching/training and my philosophy about nutrition. I believe people should just eat healthy (fruits, veggies, low fat proteins and healthy grains), not in excess and exercise most days of the week. I have had bad experiences with D.C.'s so needless to say, I am not a huge fan of chiropractors
(like strength coaches, unfortunately many not so good D.C.'s have given the smart ones a bad reputation) and "detox" programs but Balance Health Solutions will be referring some of their patients to me; I figured how best to know what their patients are going through but do it myself. What could it hurt? I do respect their knowledge and background as well as their in depth assessment.

My experience today has been nothing out of the ordinary. Although, I did fall asleep earlier than normal last night; please note, I did use one of the hormone balancing supplements last night and as a result, I felt more peaceful and slept very well. I sleep well most of the time, but last night I felt so much more calm. It was fabulous! Was my calm mind because of the supplement? Possible, especially since this supplement has been link to hormone balance in post-menopausal women in various legitimate research studies (I used to present for Raley's and one of the topics I happen to cover was HRT, commonly known as Hormone Replacement Therapy and I reviewed many studies discussing alternative therapies to HRT). Although, some may argue it was a placebo effect, which is also a possibility. My blog will display the long term results. I promise, I will do my best to be unbiased and fair in every way.

I am eating healthy but instead of grabbing a Cliff bar (aka "healthy snack") when I am in a hurry (especially since I forgot my lunch today, totally unlike me), I eat more veggies. Of course I eat veggies and fruit a majority of the time, now I am relying on them as my main snacks instead of the "healthy snacks". I feel no different overall and my mood has been good and even all day.

Well off to my workout....Stay tuned daily for the updates. Let's see how much weight I lose and how I feel in 20 days!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Almost Monday morning...are you ready for a kick butt workout? check out Formula FITT!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Check out Livestrong.com for your phone application to track all of your fitness & nutrition! *Be FITT*

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Homemade Banana smoothie: 1 1/2 cups almond milk, 2 cups ice, 1 banana, 1 tbsp. Agave nectar and all of that = YUMMY!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Just head from the Safety Chair for Alaska Airlines & I have RAVE reviews about my presentation!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Happy Mother's Day weekend to all mom's!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Cinco de mayo

Happy Cinco de Mayo FITTer's!

How about some Back squats, mountain climbers, Pike Presses and burpees to celebrate!

Monday, April 26, 2010


Run 1/2 mile

As many rounds in 10 minutes of: 10 Sumo DL high pulls & 10 Push-ups

Run 1/2 mile

Post your rounds on the Blog

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

4.21.10.:Circuit-each station is 1 minute for 4 sets of-punching bag kicks, 1arm KB swing, MB slams, sled push, bench press, dips:.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


5 sets of:

Split Jerk 5 each

Ammo Case lunges 15 yds.

Mountain Climbers 20 each

Bear Walk 15 yds

Supermans 20x

V-ups 2x15

Reverse crunch 2x20

Russian Twist 2x20each

Monday, April 19, 2010

4.19.10.:25-20-15-10-5 of MB FSQ jump press, body pulls, sumo DL and run 1200m after first round, then 750m, 500m, last 250m:.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Singles Friday! 4.16.2010

-10each Turkish Get-ups
-run 200m
-10each 1 arm KB swings
-run 200m
-10each Single leg RDL
-run 200m
-10each 1 arm plank reach through's
-run 200m
-10each OHP
-run 200m

Thursday, April 15, 2010

4.15.10.:18-20 Club! Are you a member?:.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

4.14.10.:20 minutes of-agility ladder (upper body), 10 body pulls, 10 dips, run 250 meters:.

Monday, April 12, 2010

4.12.10.:4x8each Clean & Jerk-warm-up with all the teaching progressions 1x10 each (hang jump shrug, hang jump shrug high pull, etc.):.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Another fine Saturday*

Friday, April 9, 2010

4.9.10.:50 of each-wall balls, plate abs, burpees, push-ups, jump sq, russian twist, MB FSQpress jump, hip thrust, KB swing, toe touches:.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Check out FF's website.... new look!
4.8.10.:4 rounds of-10DL, 8ea push-up stabilizers, 20KB swings, 15yds crab walks:.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

*OPEN HOUSE* April 17 from 12:30-2:30p. Help Formula FITT celebrate 6 months in Reno and over 12 years in business! Contact Eve for RSVP's and more details!
4.7.10.:4x5RM FSQ, 4x6RM OHP, 2x10 tuck jumps, 2x20 Cardinals, run 800m:.

Monday, April 5, 2010

4.5.10.:100push-ups, 200 crunches, 500 squats:.

Friday, April 2, 2010


20 minutes of agility ladder to tire flips!

Then a Tabata surprise!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

4.1.10.:as many rounds in 15 min. of-1each Turkish Get-ups, run 400m:.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

3.31.10<:555 workout-5x5 of 5 exercises in 25 minutes and each exercise starts on the minute-snatch high pull, DB FSQ OHP, KB Pistol Sq., SB wt.Back Extension, Decline Push-ups:>

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

3.30.10.:21-18-15-12-9-6 of MB slams, body pulls, KB swings, plate abs-for time:.

Monday, March 29, 2010

3.29.10.:"Pressing Monday" 2x6 bench, incline & decline, run 3 laps, 2x6 push press & OHP, run 2 laps, 3x10 dips, run 1 lap:.

Friday, March 26, 2010

3.26.10.:3 rounds of-8ea. Ammo case lateral lunge, Crazy 8's, 8RDL, 10ea. MBOS toss, 1 suicide:.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

3.25.10.:4 rounds for time of-50 wall balls, 30yds hose or dummy drags, 10 dips-post your time on the blog!:.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

3.23.10:.DL 2x5, 2x4, 1x3 & OHP 3x5, 2x4:.

Monday, March 22, 2010

3.22.10.:Run 800m, 25 pull-ups, 25 push-ups, run 800m, 25 pull-ups, 25 push-ups, run 800m:.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

3.20.10.:MMA conditioning-20 min. Of 3 min. Intervals with various exercises between:.

Friday, March 19, 2010

3.19.10.:2x8 exercise circuit, 60 seconds each-bench press, back squat, DB back row, military water jug walk, hip thrust, KB swing, MB jump press, sit-ups:.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

3.18.10.:20 min. of-upper body agility ladder, 50 each mountain climbers, 10 deadlifts, 10 SB pike tucks:.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

3.17.10..::25-20-15-10-5 of Body pulls, vertical jumps, overhead press, 1 shuffle suicide::..

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

3.16.2010..::4 rounds for time of-10each "T" push-ups, 10each Single leg Squats, run 400yds....then some core!::..

Monday, March 15, 2010

3.15.2010..::5x5RM FSQ, 3x20 MB sit-up, 3x20each Russian Twist::..

Friday, March 12, 2010

3.12.10..::10 rounds for time of-10 sumo DL high pull, 10 push-ups, 75 jumping jacks::..

Thursday, March 11, 2010

3.11.2010..::30 each Turkish Get-ups::..

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

3.10.2010..::20-16-12-8-4 of Tire Flips & Body Pulls::..

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

3.9.2010..::18-20 Club-Are you a member? 18 exercises, 20 each for 20 min. how many rounds can you do?::..

Monday, March 8, 2010

3.8.2010..::4 rounds for time of-8RM decline bench press, 30yds ammo case lunges, run 1 lap-post your time on my blog::..

Thursday, March 4, 2010

3.4.2010..::for time-21-18-15-12-9-6 of 1 arm pushup stabilizers, back squats, SB V-ups::..

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

YOGA tonight 7:00p! donations only! come in & check it out! you will love it! 4583 longley lane, #2

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

3.2.2010..::20 min. agility ladder w/MB SqJump Press-then 100 KB swings (timed)::..

Monday, March 1, 2010

3.1.2010..::4 rounds for time of-10 pull ups, 50 wall balls::..

Saturday, February 27, 2010

2.27.2010..::for time-100 Front Sq overhead press, 100each russian twists, run 1/2 mile::..

Friday, February 26, 2010

2.26.2010..::21-18-15-12-9-6 of: 1arm DB row (each), bench press, plate abs then run 200 yds after every set-all for time::..

Thursday, February 25, 2010

2.25.2010..::as many rounds in 10 min. of -10 sumo DL high pulls, 10 pushups---then CORE!::..

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

2.24.2010..::todays workout each class get to chose!::..

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

2.23.2010..::10 rounds for time of-50 knee punches rapid fire, 15 yds crab walks, 10 pushups, 15 yds long jump::..

Monday, February 22, 2010

2.22.2010..::4x10each 1arm DB Snatch, 100 jumping jacks after each set, 3x15 SB rollout::..

Sunday, February 21, 2010

2.21.2010..::workout today....Shovel snow!::..

Saturday, February 20, 2010

2.20.2010..::as many rounds as possible in 20 min. of-10 DB Overhead press, 15 sit-ups, 30yds OH plate lunges, run 1 lap::..

Friday, February 19, 2010

T-shirts & sweatshirts in now! come in & get yours!
2.19.2010..::sx30sec. MB chest press, 3-3-3-3-3-3-3 Deadlift::..

Thursday, February 18, 2010

2.18.2010..::"The Obstacle" for time-partner workout, a combo of 6 different exercises & drills put into an obstacle course::..

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

2.17.2010..::50 MB Cleans::..

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

2.16.2010..::team day-for time-20-40yd farmers walk, run 200yds, 125 KB swings, run 200 yds::..

Monday, February 15, 2010

2.15.2010..::for time- 100 push-ups, 100 crunches, 500 air squats::..

Saturday, February 13, 2010

2.13.2010..::10 rounds for time of-run 200yds, 5 MB jump sq. press::..

Friday, February 12, 2010

2.12.2010..::15 minutes agility ladder, 30 each Turkish Get-ups::..

Thursday, February 11, 2010

2.11.2010..::3 rounds for time of: 50 wall balls, 8RM bent row, 15 plate abs-post your time on my blog!::..

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

2.10.2010..::"The Wrestler" ( 20 min of a series of run, sprint, squats, burpees, shuffles, push-ups, etc.) Enjoy!::..

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

2.9.2010..::5 rounds 5RM each of-Sumo DL high pull, weighted dips, step ups, 1 suicide, 2x20 weighted MB bench up::..

Monday, February 8, 2010

2.8.2010..::100 bench press, run 400yds, 100 DB hang power clean, run 400yds::..

Saturday, February 6, 2010

2.6.2010..::5 rounds for time of: 10 Overhead Squats, 10 body pulls, 20 SB crunches---then a suprise exercise!::..

Friday, February 5, 2010

2.5.2010..::5 rounds for time of: 25 MB slams, 1 shuffle suicide::..

Thursday, February 4, 2010

ok my FITTer's! who wants to take Zumba classes? Coming soon to Formula FITT! contact eve for additional details!
2.4.2010..::100push press, run 600yds, 150 KB swings, run 600yds-all for time!::..

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

2.3.2010..::Club 18-20: 18 exercises, 20 reps of each. how many rounds can you do in 20 minutes? come in & find out what 18 exercises you have to do!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

2.2.2010..::1/2 mile Indian run, 3-3-3-3-3 DL::..

Monday, February 1, 2010

2.1.2010..::21-18-15-12-9-6-3 of Front Squat-overhead press & jumping burpees-all for time!::..

Friday, January 29, 2010

1.29.2010..::50ea 1arm DB Snatch, 500 jumps (jump rope), 50ea bicycles::..

Thursday, January 28, 2010

1.28.2010..::100 back sq., 120 yds farmers walk w/5OHP every 15yds, 50ea. Xwoodchops for time then a suprise exercise!::.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

1.27.2010..::4 rounds for time of: agility ladder (upper body), 8ea. step-ups, 20ea. russian twist, 100 jumping jacks..::post you time on my blog!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

1.26.2010..::4 rounds of 10 pull-ups, 50 wall balls, sprint 100yds, 15 plate abs-all for time!::..

Monday, January 25, 2010

1.25.2010..::as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of: 10 Sumo DL high pull, 10 push-ups. Record your total rounds on my blog!::..

Friday, January 22, 2010

1.22.2010..::100 MBFSqJump press, 50box jumps, 50 dips, 100each Russian twist-for time! post you time on my blog::..

Thursday, January 21, 2010

1.21.2010..::Fabulous 50-50 reps of: FSq-OHPress, incline push-ups, RDL, Bent row, Cardinal, SBpike tuck::..

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

1.20.2010..::75each DB swings, 400yd run, 75 hip thrusts, 400yd run-all for TIME!::..

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

1.19.2010..::21-15-9-3 of: pull-ups, 30yds lunge w/rotation, russian twist::..

Monday, January 18, 2010

1.18.2010..::20 minutes of agility ladder to Tire Flips!::..

Saturday, January 16, 2010

1.16.2010..::as many rounds in 15 min. of: 10 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, run 250 yds::.. Getting your FF fitness on a energizing Saturday morning!

Friday, January 15, 2010

1.15.2010..::21-18-15-12-9-6-3 of DB DeadLift, DB Overhead press, plate abs::.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

1.14.2010..::4 rounds of: 30yds OH fire hose lunges, 2 min punching bag, 8RM bent over rows, 10wt. dips, 20 regular abs::..

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

1.12.2010..::5 rounds for time of: 15 box jumps, 10 yds handwalk pushups, run 200 yds::..

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

1.12.2010..::4 rounds of: 25 wall balls, 10 body pulls, 2 min. speed rope::..

Monday, January 11, 2010

1.11.2010..::as many rounds in 20 min. of: 10 dbl. DB swings, 10 push-ups, 25 air squats::..

Thursday, January 7, 2010

1.7.2010..::3x8rounds of Tabata Squats::.. don't know what Tabata squats are...ask Eve!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

1.6.2010..::as many rounds in 20 min. of: 30yd fire hose drag, 8RM RDL's, 12 SB pike tucks::..

Monday, January 4, 2010

01.04.10..::Fabulous 50-50reps of: bench press, back sq, pull-ups, overhead press, dips, hip thrust, back ext, russian twist::..