Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Days 18-20 BHS Program


OK folks, this is my last blog about the BHS Detox Program, however I will still be continuing my journey to lose another 25 pounds (yes, yes I know, I don't look like I have that much to lose...I do, to reach my fitness goal). I will continue to blog weekly about my progress; feel free to add in your comments and your progress, for those of you who are on any type of nutrition or exercise program.

I must start off with a confession. It was Sunday night and I was so hungry I couldn't take it anymore. There was a leftover breakfast burrito in the fridge. Leftovers from my boyfriend, Damian, and I must thank him, he has been so supportive with this program; he does still splurge here and there when I am not around to not tempt me...ha ha! Anyway, back to my story, it was 8:00p and I saw that burrito calling my name and I still had about 200 calories left for my day, but nothing else sounded good. I was chickened and egged out. I tell ya, 20 days with NO splurge meal, which I usually give myself one meal per week. I gave in and I know I shouldn't have. As a result, I did not lose or gain any weight. Boy did it taste so good though!

Monday morning came, my last day on the program and I was back on track. Feeling great and eating "clean". I went for a 2 mile run and felt great. My appetite has decreased, to be expected and feeling lighter each day.

My overall experience with the Balanced Health Solutions program has been extremely positive! This was exactly what my body needed to get it back on track. Now, I will have my Registered Dietitian, Stacey Frattinger, look at my eating habits to ensure I am continually in-taking enough nutrients to manage my workouts and maintain my muscle mass as I lose fat mass. For anyone who thinks this is just another gimmick, it's not. People who eat copious amounts of processed, fast foods, caffeine, etc. This is the right start for you. Having a kick start to put your eating habits into check has been beneficial for me. Having a dietitian counsel you about your eating habits to keep you on track is the best option long term after you have started an extreme program such as this detox program.

Last, I will add back in my blog, the daily workouts. Follow along and feel free to email me for any workout questions. If you would like online personal training, contact me at train@formulafitt.com

To contact Chris Kelly at Balanced Health Solutions, email chris@balancedhealthreno.com

To contact Stacey Frattinger, Registered Dietitian, email formulafuel@hotmail.com

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