Sunday, June 8, 2014

Changing Habits

Changing habits is always a journey of difficult tasks. Whether changing one's daily schedule to changing how one communicates with others. Changing the habit of negative thoughts, arrogance, narcissism and vanity get in the way of growth. No one wants to admit they are any of those descriptions because that would hurt one's ego. However, the first step to being and feeling more confident is recognizing and admitting one's flaws. Negative thinking will destroy one's self and even hurt relationships otherwise.

Gaining weight or feeling stagnant in weight loss is usually caused by one of two things; negative self talk and/or narcissism. The ability to get over that hurdle lies within yourself. Admit where you are and be OK with that place knowing it is temporary. Start with a written journal , video blog or someplace you are able to express your true feelings; a safe place no one else will see. Then each week pick one habit to work towards changing for the better. Maybe it's being a better listener, to others and to yourself.

Start now,  right now. Instead of just reading this and saying to yourself you will get to it later, start now!

The saying, there is no time like the present applies here and each day forward. Everyone has dreams and goals. Know that you too will have what you want. Take that first step and change your habits!

Stay FITT my friends!

Thursday, August 9, 2012


3 rounds of:

Run 400m

30 each KB swings



Wednesday, August 8, 2012


5 rounds of:

50 each mountain climbers

25 face wall squats

20 push ups

10 each alternate V-ups

Tuesday, August 7, 2012



Thursday, December 29, 2011

Bigger Balls for a Commanding Core

Some good tips from NSCA...

Bigger Balls for a Commanding Core

Medicine balls (MBs) are weighted balls of varying sizes that can be used in a variety of different ways to increase the intensity of a workout and allow your tactical athlete to move in a more functional manner (e.g., adding rotation to standard exercises).

As experts have come to realize that all movement begins from the core (e.g., sitting up, standing, running, lifting, etc.), the use of MBs to strengthen these muscles has become increasingly popular over recent decades. The drills in this article feature a series of rotational MB drills that begin from a seated position and progress to standing positions (i.e., simple to more challenging and complex drills).

  1. Sit on the ground holding a MB with your back toward a wall (see Fig. 1)

    Seated Rotational Toss: Starting Position
    Fig.1 Seated Rotational Toss: Starting Position
  2. Extend both arms so the MB is held away from the body
  3. Rotate the torso (not shoulders) as far to one side as possible and throw the ball against the wall behind you (see Fig. 2).Catch the ball off the rebound and complete 10 reps to the same side

    Seated Rotational Toss: Rotating Position
    Fig.2 Seated Rotational Toss: Rotating Position
  4. Repeat 10 reps of the exercise to the opposite side
Note: this exercise can be done with a partner positioned back to back, catching the MB and throwing it back.


Progress rotational MB throws from:

  • Seated position
  • Kneeling position (see Fig. 3)

    Kneeling Rotational Toss: Starting Position
    Fig.3 Kneeling Rotational Toss: Starting Position
  • Standing position (see Fig. 4)

    Seated Rotational Toss: Starting Position
    Fig.4 Standing Rotational Toss: Starting Position

As the tactical athlete progresses in their ability to complete this drill, incorporate the following progressions as well:

  • Increase the weight/size of the MB
  • Use one arm only with a MB that has a handle
  • Use a MB with a rope to alter the forces and dynamics of the drill

This is an easy and effective way to add a rotational component to any tactical training program. Focusing on an explosive throwing action will develop the rotational power of your tactical athlete.

Original Title: . Rotational medicine ball exercise progression.
Author: Mark Roozen MEed, CSCS*D, NSCA-CPT, FNSCA
Publication: NSCA TSAC REPORT . 10: 5-6, 2009.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Today's workout...

50 of each on each side of:
Single leg squats
Push-up stabilizers
Hanging knee raise (alt.)
Long Jump (double leg take off R/L single leg stick)

Monday, June 28, 2010



Today's workout...

5 rounds of:

25 DL

50 each mountain climbers

25 push-ups

10 each alternate V-ups

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

6.2.2010 Workout

Today's workout...

3 rounds no stopping:

-15 yards butt-kickers (the FF way)

-30 push-ups

-shuffle suicide (ask Coach Eve what these are!)

-30 bent rows

-30 plate abs

Friday, June 18, 2010

Weight loss update...

Hello FITTer's!

Today is Friday! I weighed in today at 11 pounds down! I am so excited! I thought I was stuck at 8 pounds down until this morning. I have added ground turkey, my lovely Fage' Greek yogurt and of course a little bit of dark chocolate. I still feel great and I see a difference every day. I still have about 20-25 pounds to go to reach my ultimate fitness goal. I will see what I look and feel like 20 pounds down from where I am at now. I already look great, just want to trim up for swimsuit wear..ya know a girls gotta look good!

Stay tuned....

*Be F.I.T.T.*
Do you have the right Formula?


Today's torture....

Run 1 mile

50 each Russian Twist

Run 1 mile

50 RDL